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   ~Not talk much, and convey more meaning~

Our condolence goes to all of you who are victimized by this horrific Tohoku,Kanto Big Earth Quake


Right away, we thought about those of you who have been supporting us all of these years.

We can not get hold of some people who already made a reservation for our up coming spring concerts,we really pray that you are fine.

We believe that you are all fine.


I am sure that all you can think now is just to survive day to day.

As Bronze, our foundation to creat our music is the same.

Learning and living our best everyday.

From the bottom of our heart, we wish you a light is coming to you soon.

All this time, we have been playing music to reach people’s heart,

Especially days like now, when you feel so down, we hope our music could help your soul.


When you settle down, hopefully it will be very soon,we would like to come to see you and play for you.


We as one, we have to try our best for the speed recovery for these people who suffered so much beyond our imagination.


We also postponed our tickets sales date of May in Yokote-city and June in Yurihonjyo-city.


A part of the proceed from both concerts will be donated to the Tohoku Earth Quakes victims.



  Vaci Festival 2015

Montreux Jazz Festival in 2010

The Sound of BRONZE Doushin



Why is the of BRONZE doushin so insprirational?Why dose it leave people saying, “I could feel the sound in my heart!”?Why is it heard even in foreign countries, Not only in Japan ?




In the beginning, music occurred without the ideas of industry principles,musical trends, And music theory.A long time ago,people began to develop rich emotions alongside the Human evolution.People of this time had not yet consciously considered the connection Of music and these emotion.




Hearing the sounds of nature and life around them,melody was born.Hearing the sounds of Objects beating together,rhythm was born.Playing pure musical phrases brought humans Pleasure and healed both the mind and body.




That`s what lies at the roots of music.For this reason and the artistic expression behindMusic,it continues playing an important role in the present day.From these musical Roots,we will continue creating music.BRONZE doushin represents these musical roots Through each song`s creation.




We want to express “infinite thoughts”
through sounds and to try to
relax you without talking a lot.




Age of the Lurking Samurai


You filled a river of my tears without holding back.

(私のこらえた涙を あなたが止めど無く流してくれた)


To what extent will my heart keep me strong and gentle?



I think I am infinitely grateful as you have me worked up in the sweat of composition instead of tears.



Don`t be bound by the definition of universal art. Instead, pursue real art. An art which is impossible to define.

(本当の芸術を探求するには いつの時代も それを定義の囲いに納めてはいけない)

It is just like trying to imagine the end of the universe from an ordinary mind.



Although I shed tears, my heart will hold no regrets when I die.

Until then I will learn all of my sensitivities by not staying in the bounds.

(私が涙を流す時は、死を迎える時 悔いの無い生き方にほっと心をなでおろす時だろう)


I was saved by sounds as a child. At that moment, my life was changed to with beliefs I still hold today.

(私が幼き頃 音に救われた瞬間から思いを貫く生き方となった)


We will feel lonely many times in our lives.I aim to compose sounds which nestle up to your heart at these times.

(一生のうちに何度か訪れる孤独の時に 寄り添える心の音作り)

It is others` freedom to say whether me life is the way of a stubborn person or of a Samurai who never sways.



I`m just saying・・

It is only natural to have various ways of thinking in ikfe.

(ただ言える事は、全てにおいて いろんな考え方がある事は



However, the only real truth lurks in the bottom of a heart that is simple, Clear, and pure.



Gr   Ryuma
Ba    Bo-ya
Dr   Kajiwara
Taiko   Rena
Saxophone    Hina
英訳 : 香奈里  /  クレイ  /  陽

        My name is Hina and I am a member of an instrumental band called BRONZE Doshin in Yurihonjo City, Akita in Japan.

We aim at offering our music in Japan and foreign countries. We create our music so that we can connect people’s minds and the

landscape of Tohoku in Japan. We want people around the world to enjoy our music. As people have different feelings, our music includes unique ideas.

        As you may know in 2011 the Great East Japan Earthquake happened. People are working hard on reconstruction. We have been creating the sound of Tohoku and we are thinking how we can support people there. We have visited the disaster areas and held volunteer concerts to support the people. Now, we are thinking that one of the ways to energize the area is to bring the music of Tohoku to the world. We appeared at Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland in 2010. More than 3000 people were able to enjoy our performance. We also joined a music festival in Hungary in 2015. There were more than 2000 people in the audience. We had two concerts in foreign countries and both of them were successful. Now, we want people in America to enjoy our music.

        Our main activities are concerts in local areas and schools and volunteer activities in the disaster areas. One of our dreams is to hold a concert in America. To make it happen, we need a lot of information and decided to contact you. When we joined the Jazz Festival in Switzerland, we received great support from the members of the Japanese Association in Switzerland. We would appreciate it if you could advise us about the American music scene or introduce us to someone who can assist us.

        Specifically, we are looking for information on radio stations or TV stations to broadcast our music, auditions for TV programs, and applications for festival or other events.


        Also, if you have time, could you listen to our music? Here is the address.





                We would be grateful for any assistance you can provide us.



 BRONZE Doshin                                                      代表 : 佐藤龍守


                                                                   英文 : 鈴木瑞穂

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